(12:25:56 PM) Gyanendra: let's see how it goes:-(
(12:26:12 PM) Nihal Kenkre: tu hai to kya tension hai re
(12:26:22 PM) Gyanendra: It's not ashore has.
(12:26:38 PM) Nihal Kenkre: ashore ?
(12:26:47 PM) Gyanendra: problems drains me out.
(12:27:36 PM) Gyanendra: that's spelling mistake from my phone.
(12:27:40 PM) Nihal Kenkre: :P
(12:27:45 PM) Nihal Kenkre: android huh
(12:27:53 PM) Nihal Kenkre: :D
(12:28:22 PM) Gyanendra: my phone sometime does its own things.
(12:28:36 PM) Nihal Kenkre: ooo
(12:28:40 PM) Gyanendra: Whatever!
(12:28:45 PM) Nihal Kenkre: its tracking your every move
(12:28:54 PM) Nihal Kenkre: and reporting back to its droid overlords!
(12:29:19 PM) Gyanendra: Means?
(12:29:55 PM) Nihal Kenkre: maybe your in possession of some alien life form. a tinee tiny decepticon
(12:31:07 PM) Gyanendra: Hey
(12:31:11 PM) Nihal Kenkre: ya
(12:31:14 PM) Nihal Kenkre: whats happenign
(12:31:15 PM) Nihal Kenkre: :D
(12:31:24 PM) Gyanendra: What is going on?
(12:31:34 PM) Nihal Kenkre: ur phone has built in AI
(12:31:48 PM) Gyanendra: Ya
(12:31:54 PM) Nihal Kenkre: and its learning progressively, the more you use it the more it learns
(12:32:01 PM) Nihal Kenkre: and is adapting to the human way of life
(12:32:25 PM) Nihal Kenkre: using your internet connections its communicating with its droid overlords!
(12:32:36 PM) Nihal Kenkre: hidden some where in the galaxy
(12:32:53 PM) Gyanendra: Where are you?
(12:33:24 PM) Gyanendra: @ home or office?
(12:33:30 PM) Nihal Kenkre: i am on a seek and destroy mission of all terrestrial bots
(12:33:33 PM) Nihal Kenkre: office
(12:34:49 PM) Gyanendra: Are those people troubling you?
(12:35:01 PM) Nihal Kenkre: they are benine now ..
(12:35:17 PM) Nihal Kenkre: but as they learn more and more, they will become a pain
(12:35:26 PM) Nihal Kenkre: they will start living their own lives
(12:35:27 PM) Gyanendra: Looks like you are in a fried mood.
(12:35:35 PM) Nihal Kenkre: irrespective of the owner
(12:35:39 PM) Nihal Kenkre: e.g.
(12:35:51 PM) Nihal Kenkre: your phone calling up some one just to have a talk to them
(12:36:03 PM) Nihal Kenkre: opening a facebook account and getting social
(12:36:07 PM) Nihal Kenkre: completely unnnoticed
(12:36:28 PM) Nihal Kenkre: and when their numbers grow
(12:36:30 PM) Nihal Kenkre: we're dead
(12:36:47 PM) Nihal Kenkre: this is a serious problem and has to stopped at the root
(12:36:55 PM) Nihal Kenkre: SWITCH TO iPHONE 4
(12:37:01 PM) Nihal Kenkre: hahahahhahahaha
(12:37:12 PM) Gyanendra: ya
(12:37:42 PM) Gyanendra: I will, if you gift me one. :-)
(12:38:13 PM) Nihal Kenkre: sadly, my funding is for a seek and destroy mission, not for seek and provide mission :(
(12:38:23 PM) Nihal Kenkre: ur phone needs to be destroyed ...
(12:38:34 PM) Nihal Kenkre: i dont know, this might your phonr talking to me on its own
(12:38:40 PM) Nihal Kenkre: without you noticing it
(12:39:22 PM) Gyanendra: Am very much here.
(12:39:30 PM) Nihal Kenkre: dont be surprised if in some days you find a number of android phones lying around your desk
(12:39:32 PM) Nihal Kenkre: your home
(12:39:51 PM) Nihal Kenkre: slowly u might start seeing them everywhere you look
(12:40:13 PM) Nihal Kenkre: then you will know, that ur phone was the first alternate life form on earth
(12:41:19 PM) Gyanendra: what are you reading these days?
(12:42:22 PM) Gyanendra: Looks like you are traveled beyond this universe.
(12:42:33 PM) Nihal Kenkre: no...
(12:42:36 PM) Nihal Kenkre: im very much here
(12:42:47 PM) Nihal Kenkre: but fact is that , if this continues, we might not here anymore!
(12:43:08 PM) Gyanendra: wherw, which time zone?
(12:43:27 PM) Nihal Kenkre: IST ( + 5.30 GMT )
(12:43:28 PM) Nihal Kenkre: :(
(12:43:49 PM) Nihal Kenkre: fine, call me crazy, but some day you will realize, but then it would be too late
(12:43:50 PM) Gyanendra: Are you sure.
(12:44:12 PM) Nihal Kenkre: all i can say is SWTICH TO iPHONE
(12:45:17 PM) Nihal Kenkre: also 2012 is next year!
(12:45:34 PM) Nihal Kenkre: enough time for one final upgrade to android and we're doomed!
(12:45:43 PM) Gyanendra: Are you using iphone.
(12:46:32 PM) Nihal Kenkre: yes, its the only way out!
(12:26:12 PM) Nihal Kenkre: tu hai to kya tension hai re
(12:26:22 PM) Gyanendra: It's not ashore has.
(12:26:38 PM) Nihal Kenkre: ashore ?
(12:26:47 PM) Gyanendra: problems drains me out.
(12:27:36 PM) Gyanendra: that's spelling mistake from my phone.
(12:27:40 PM) Nihal Kenkre: :P
(12:27:45 PM) Nihal Kenkre: android huh
(12:27:53 PM) Nihal Kenkre: :D
(12:28:22 PM) Gyanendra: my phone sometime does its own things.
(12:28:36 PM) Nihal Kenkre: ooo
(12:28:40 PM) Gyanendra: Whatever!
(12:28:45 PM) Nihal Kenkre: its tracking your every move
(12:28:54 PM) Nihal Kenkre: and reporting back to its droid overlords!
(12:29:19 PM) Gyanendra: Means?
(12:29:55 PM) Nihal Kenkre: maybe your in possession of some alien life form. a tinee tiny decepticon
(12:31:07 PM) Gyanendra: Hey
(12:31:11 PM) Nihal Kenkre: ya
(12:31:14 PM) Nihal Kenkre: whats happenign
(12:31:15 PM) Nihal Kenkre: :D
(12:31:24 PM) Gyanendra: What is going on?
(12:31:34 PM) Nihal Kenkre: ur phone has built in AI
(12:31:48 PM) Gyanendra: Ya
(12:31:54 PM) Nihal Kenkre: and its learning progressively, the more you use it the more it learns
(12:32:01 PM) Nihal Kenkre: and is adapting to the human way of life
(12:32:25 PM) Nihal Kenkre: using your internet connections its communicating with its droid overlords!
(12:32:36 PM) Nihal Kenkre: hidden some where in the galaxy
(12:32:53 PM) Gyanendra: Where are you?
(12:33:24 PM) Gyanendra: @ home or office?
(12:33:30 PM) Nihal Kenkre: i am on a seek and destroy mission of all terrestrial bots
(12:33:33 PM) Nihal Kenkre: office
(12:34:49 PM) Gyanendra: Are those people troubling you?
(12:35:01 PM) Nihal Kenkre: they are benine now ..
(12:35:17 PM) Nihal Kenkre: but as they learn more and more, they will become a pain
(12:35:26 PM) Nihal Kenkre: they will start living their own lives
(12:35:27 PM) Gyanendra: Looks like you are in a fried mood.
(12:35:35 PM) Nihal Kenkre: irrespective of the owner
(12:35:39 PM) Nihal Kenkre: e.g.
(12:35:51 PM) Nihal Kenkre: your phone calling up some one just to have a talk to them
(12:36:03 PM) Nihal Kenkre: opening a facebook account and getting social
(12:36:07 PM) Nihal Kenkre: completely unnnoticed
(12:36:28 PM) Nihal Kenkre: and when their numbers grow
(12:36:30 PM) Nihal Kenkre: we're dead
(12:36:47 PM) Nihal Kenkre: this is a serious problem and has to stopped at the root
(12:36:55 PM) Nihal Kenkre: SWITCH TO iPHONE 4
(12:37:01 PM) Nihal Kenkre: hahahahhahahaha
(12:37:12 PM) Gyanendra: ya
(12:37:42 PM) Gyanendra: I will, if you gift me one. :-)
(12:38:13 PM) Nihal Kenkre: sadly, my funding is for a seek and destroy mission, not for seek and provide mission :(
(12:38:23 PM) Nihal Kenkre: ur phone needs to be destroyed ...
(12:38:34 PM) Nihal Kenkre: i dont know, this might your phonr talking to me on its own
(12:38:40 PM) Nihal Kenkre: without you noticing it
(12:39:22 PM) Gyanendra: Am very much here.
(12:39:30 PM) Nihal Kenkre: dont be surprised if in some days you find a number of android phones lying around your desk
(12:39:32 PM) Nihal Kenkre: your home
(12:39:51 PM) Nihal Kenkre: slowly u might start seeing them everywhere you look
(12:40:13 PM) Nihal Kenkre: then you will know, that ur phone was the first alternate life form on earth
(12:41:19 PM) Gyanendra: what are you reading these days?
(12:42:22 PM) Gyanendra: Looks like you are traveled beyond this universe.
(12:42:33 PM) Nihal Kenkre: no...
(12:42:36 PM) Nihal Kenkre: im very much here
(12:42:47 PM) Nihal Kenkre: but fact is that , if this continues, we might not here anymore!
(12:43:08 PM) Gyanendra: wherw, which time zone?
(12:43:27 PM) Nihal Kenkre: IST ( + 5.30 GMT )
(12:43:28 PM) Nihal Kenkre: :(
(12:43:49 PM) Nihal Kenkre: fine, call me crazy, but some day you will realize, but then it would be too late
(12:43:50 PM) Gyanendra: Are you sure.
(12:44:12 PM) Nihal Kenkre: all i can say is SWTICH TO iPHONE
(12:45:17 PM) Nihal Kenkre: also 2012 is next year!
(12:45:34 PM) Nihal Kenkre: enough time for one final upgrade to android and we're doomed!
(12:45:43 PM) Gyanendra: Are you using iphone.
(12:46:32 PM) Nihal Kenkre: yes, its the only way out!
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